Green Party councillor for Bebington Cllr Jason Walsh is calling for a rethink on Wirral Council’s recommendations on the future of Brackenwood Golf Course.

Brackenwood Golf Course closed last year after 87 years when Labour and the Conservatives voted for a package of cuts including the closure of the course. All parties however were supportive of community asset transfer bids to be brought forward to the council.
Two bids have been brought forward for consideration to the Tourism, Communities, Culture and Leisure committee to run Brackenwood Golf Course. An independent body has concluded that one of the bids from Brackenwood Community Golf Limited, has a viable business plan. The council officers are now advising against transfer to any provider to avoid competition with the council’s other two courses.
They believe the area could be used for more playing pitches and they believe they can increase the biodiversity of the area. However no details about how either of these could actually be achieved has been provided. All we are being offered is a report to be brought to councillors in June.
Cllr Jason Walsh says; “This is a kick in the teeth for Brackenwood Golf Club who have been campaigning hard and working with the bids to secure a future for the course. The council are now throwing in last minute curve balls to undermine the bids. Brackenwood Golf Club have been brilliant!
They have worked really hard with us to discuss how they can improve biodiversity in the area including tree planting and how they can increase access for golf to people who can’t afford private clubs.
Over the last year volunteers have been maintaining the greens and fairways, increasing the number of footpaths for the public to use and have hosted several community days including in the park they have been maintaining on behalf of the council. They did all of this in good faith the CAT process would be fair.
The recommendation from officers is grossly unfair and undermines the whole process. We believe the environmental and social benefits are best served by a community asset transfer to Brackenwood Community Golf Limited rather than leaving it to the council to turn it into playing pitches especially considering that the land floods in winter. People of Bebington are passionate about the future of Brackenwood and this simply hasn’t been fair or transparent and it isn’t good enough from the council.”