Wirral Green Party Policy Statement

Main Priorities:

  • Wirral Greens will always work to promote social, economic and environmental justice and the well-being of Wirral residents.
  • All our decision making as councillors will prioritise consideration of the climate emergency.
  • We will work to oppose Government-imposed cuts to services and will fight against increasing privatisation of the NHS.
  • We will promote healthy safe neighbourhoods through such measures as low-traffic neighbourhoods, safe school streets and 20mph residential zones.
  • We will work to make all council services carbon neutral by 2030 and to deliver a programme of other measures to reduce Wirral’s contribution to climate change.

In addition we have a raft of more specific aims including:


  • Investing in Green jobs training
  • Council procurement contracts to prioritise the local jobs and local economy
  • Disinvestment of council pension scheme from fossil fuels and industries or companies with poor employment, human rights or environmental practices
  • An ethical council procurement policy which prioritises decent employers paying at least the Real Living Wage


  • All housing to be retro-fitted with insulation, heat pumps and solar panels wherever feasible, with priority for lowest income households first


  • All council services (directly provided or subcontracted) to be carbon-neutral by 2030
  • Keeping verge-mowing and hedge-cutting to a necessary minimum to promote bio-diversity
  • Protection of Green belt land and other green spaces
  • Clampdown on fly-tipping


  • Early intervention to prevent more children from going into care
  • Reduce number of looked-after children in expensive out-of-borough placements
  • Introduction of School Streets at as many schools as is practical


  • Working for regulation of Merseyside public transport to ensure affordable, reliable user-friendly timetables
  • 20mph speed limits in residential streets
  • Borough-wide network of safe cycle and walking routes
  • Secure cycle storage at all public buildings, car parks, rail stations, bus stations etc
  • Enhanced enforcement of parking regulations
  • All public transport and transport hubs to be disability friendly
  • Low traffic neighbourhoods across Wirral