Welcome to Wirral Green Party

Welcome to Wirral Green Party

The Green party is the only national political party in the UK which understands that environmental, social and economic justice are intimately entwined. It is working hard to prevent climate catastrophe, reform our democracy and promote a Green recovery.

Wirral Greens work to help people in our own area, while bearing in mind these vital wider aims.

We now have 14 dedicated councillors, representing Birkenhead-and-Tranmere, Prenton, Bromborough, Bebington, Rock Ferry and Greasby, Frankby & Irby. We aim to have more elected in the coming years.

There has never been a better time to get involved with Wirral Green Party. We’re active all year round – not just at election time – and there is always a range of activities and local campaigns happening.

Help get Greens elected in Wirral

Join the growing movement of people across Wirral demanding action on climate change. We’ll let you know what’s going on locally to you, and how you can get involved today!

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