Update from Wards Jan 2022

In addition to working to address Wirral’s Budget crisis, Councillors and Green Party teams have been continuing their work in Wards.

In Prenton:

  • Harry Gormen speaks out against the privatisation of the Kingsway Academy which is costing the local council £867.5K per annum in spite of it being closed for 3 years.
  • Naomi Graham, local campaigner, challenges the pavement parking problems in Prenton Ward
  • Thanks to Harry, Chris and Naomi, more fly-tipping has been removed, street lights have been repaired and council officers are investigating excessive and illegal parking of vehicles in the Ingleborough Road area

In Bebington:

  • Judith Grier, local campaigner, has been with the community tree planting in Bebington this month
  • Jason Walsh and Judith Grier back an innovative scheme that aims to reduce danger and increase air quality around Brackenwood Infant and Junior Schools
  • Thanks to Jason and Judith, more street lights have been repaired, pavement issues resolved and street cleaning issues in Bebington have been reported to the council

In Birkenhead and Tranmere:

  • Pat Cleary and Emily Greaves are pleased to report more progress in the regeneration programme for Birkenhead. The council has had further success in securing investment for the town. Almost £20 million has been won via the government’s so-called “levelling up” fund to improve Woodside.
  • Funds have been secured and plans are being drawn up to convert the disused railway line that runs through the heart of Birkenhead into a new public park by 2025 including a pedestrian/cycle route and a major visitor attraction.
  • Mersey Park access has been resolved to Pat and Emily who have supported residents to correct what the council calls “an anomaly”. A petition has been handed in with over 70 signatures demanding action.

In Seacombe:

  • Various locations across Seacombe have been short-listed for investments to help cut crime (namely:  Florence/Edith Road, Vernon/Oakdale Avenue, New Street, Denman Grove, North Park Court and the Five Bars Rest area.) and Rae Voller, Seacombe’s local campaigner, is encouraging residents to respond and back to the council’s plans.
  • Rae is speaking up for Seamcombe to make sure residents get a fair deal from council funding re: issues of fly-tipping, litter, dangerous driving and anti-social behaviour
  • Rae reports that work is underway at Seacombe Ferry to prepare for the planned opening of Eureka Mersey this year.
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