Wirral Green Party aims to promote social and environmental justice throughout our area.
Our 14 hard-working councillors represent Birkenhead & Tranmere, Prenton, Bebington, Bromborough, Greasby, Frankby and Irby, and Rock Ferry.
We also have Local Campaigners in Hoylake, West Kirby & Meols, Claughton and New Brighton.
Active members support the campaigners by leafletting, surveying, canvassing and fund-raising.
We meet once a month, at Birkenhead Town Hall (7pm on 2nd Wed of the month), with alternate months via Zoom.
Contact Us if you want to get involved.
The Green Party Political Programme sets out what Greens are in politics to do: to end the system that keeps hurting the environment and all of us who rely on it – and to build a better alternative.
This Programme isn’t like other parties’ manifestos, it has not been squeezed through focus groups and stripped down according to the latest polling. Instead it has been built from policies proposed and voted on by our members, looking to secure the long term future of the places and people they love.
It’s a vision of a better world, and together we can deliver it.