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Greens Against Fascism

The Green Party is clear:

      * We stand with every community that’s attacked or threatened by organised political violence 

        * We support police and emergency workers protecting people in these communities

        * We support community leaders and individual citizens who are working to bring communities together in the face of attempts to inflame divisions

 The huge crowds of anti-racism protestors who thronged the streets of cities and towns the length and breadth of England to protect asylum centres was a brilliant demonstration of the true sentiments of the country: welcoming to refugees and celebrating diversity. 

 The political violence of recent days has not arisen in a vacuum. The hostile environment created by the Tory government and stoked by politicians and sections of the media has encouraged Islamophobia and racism generally. Divisions in society are fostered to distract from the obscene inequality which is at the root of very many of the problems the world faces. 

 The Green Party is a party of social and environmental justice which campaigns for a radical transformation of society for the benefit of all, for a real democracy free from discrimination of any kind and where people of all races and all religions or none are equally valued and empowered.