Protecting Wirral’s precious greenbelt depends on regenerating Birkenhead, Green councillors will say at a Wirral Council meeting on Monday.
Green councillors will call for the following:
We recognise that successful place making and regeneration is fundamental to the protection of our precious green belt. Green Councillors acknowledge the achievements by officers in securing large sums of public finance for regeneration and the work to date on delivery. We reaffirm our commitment to the Birkenhead 2040 Framework and its vision for the transformation of Birkenhead and the wider left bank of the Mersey and restates its desire to deliver on the promise and potential contained in the 2040 Framework.
However, Green Councillors have a number of concerns including;
The recent departure of the interim Director of Regeneration, the fourth such exit in the past two years
The breakdown in trust with the local community following the broken promises around a new, flagship Birkenhead Market building
The failure to date of the council to bring forward a housing scheme at the former House of Fraser site in central Birkenhead and the accompanying risk to related grant funding
The lack of progress in delivering public transport improvements to Wirral Waters including the failure to bring forward a business case for any proposed solution
The lack of reporting around the progress of the regeneration programme; in particular the absence of regular and clear, RAG-rated progress reports on regeneration projects to the Economy and Regeneration committee.
We therefore agrees that an independent review of the council’s Regeneration directorate is urgently required.
Request that the Chief Executive, in consultation with Group Leaders, writes to the LGA to ask for their assistance in conducting a review of Wirral Council’s Regeneration directorate.
Why has progress stalled on delivering much needed, well funded regeneration projects – such a flagship Birkenhead market, affordable homes, more public transport and urban green spaces? How can projects be un-blocked?
When green cllŕs tried to raise senior staff departures at Regeneration Committee last night the Labour chair blocked any discussion. What message does this send to potential investors in Wirral?