From Red to Green – Wirral Green Party members talk about their journey from Labour to the Greens

Read their stories in full:

Jo Bird

Luke Agnew

Jane Turner

Paul Davies

Ruth Molyneux

Cllr. Jo Bird

Cllr. JO BIRD “They came for me in November 2021 for talking, 3 years earlier, about the racism I deal with as a Jewish person and for standing up for people facing injustice.”

Luke Agnew

LUKE AGNEW  “Within six hours a party bureaucrat had searched my social media and decided I was a supporter of socialist appeal for sharing an article 3 years prior. I was expelled for life because of it.”

Jane Turner

JANE TURNER  “Labour seemed not to notice that I’d resigned and might not have noticed until my membership failed to renew, so I joined the Green Party as a way of underlining that they absolutely did not represent me anymore.”

Paul Davies

PAUL DAVIES  “I read online about the Core Values of the Green Party and realised (after a long read) that they had already adopted most of the policies that I had been struggling for years to get the Labour Party to adopt.”

Cllr. Ruth Molyneux

Cllr. RUTH MOLYNEUX “The policies around environmental, social and economic justice are impressive and Green Party Councillors voted against the closure of the local services I had been campaigning to save.”

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