Statement on Brackenwood Golf Course

Wirral Green Party are incredibly disappointed by the officer recommendation which was rejected as recently as February.

Brackenwood Community Golf Club has worked with the community and a wildlife charity to submit a bid that includes accessible green space for the community and strong biodiversity improvements. As ward councillors we believe this submission has widespread community support.

Playing pitches should not be in a central hub; that would encourage more car journeys with the associated pollution, congestion and road safety issues. It also discriminates against individuals and families who do not have access to a car. Playing pitches should be spread around the borough, within easy reach of all residents.

After the meeting in February when members unanimously supported the CAT, we made suggestions as to where various playing pitches could be located, as did Brackenwood Community Golf. We were told that council officers were also looking. There are so many unanswered questions in this report, including:

  • Which alternative locations have been investigated and why were they rejected?
  • What assessment has been undertaken to determine the suitability of Brackenwood for playing pitches from a social, environmental and cost perspective?

We hope members will again support the passionate, energetic and thoughtful submission from Brackenwood Community Golf.

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