Tory Party faces questions over £3.6m unaccounted for in 2019 election

Given how hard Wirral Green Party works to make sure our election expenses are all above board, we find this article quite staggering!

The Conservative Party is facing questions over more than £3.6m it spent in the run-up to the 2019 general election without explaining what it paid for.

Researchers from the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance were unable to work out what more than a fifth of the Tories’ national spend had actually been used for because of unclear or even missing invoices.

The Tories were responsible for almost 60% of the unclear invoices in the Electoral Commission’s database for the 2019 election, the team of researchers found.

More than 200 of the 347 local Conservative branches that submitted returns for the general election failed to include any invoices at all for their spending, meaning it was impossible to find out exactly what they spent their money on.

Here’s a link to the full article.

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